- Authors: Denisova A.G.1
- Togliatti State University, Togliatti
- Issue: No 2 (2016)
- Pages: 29-34
- Section: Technical Sciences
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 301
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The improvement of chemical and petrochemical plants’ efficiency and the environmental management are impossible without the development of new technologies and materials. All this is directly concerned with the introduction of new catalysts. Each chemical reaction requires its own catalysts. Currently, solid metal catalysts with the multicomponent composition are determined as the prospective ones. They show mechanical strength and high thermal conductivity but, in some cases, they have low specific surface. That is why the development of the multicomponent material with high specific surface spread on metal micronet that could be used in future as the advanced catalyst is the critical task.
As opposed to the methods of producing multicomponent materials and methods of creation of developed surface of metal oxide coatings presented in the paper survey, this paper covers the producing the developed surface coating on micronet consisting of nanosized cuprum and zinc particles. The author suggests the creation of two-component (cuprum-zinc) coating with the high specific surface by means of electrodeposition from the complex electrolyte. Two series of experiments were carried out during the study. At the first stage, the electrodeposition was carried out in the stationary layer of complex cuprum-zinc electrolyte; at the second stage of experiments, the electrodeposition was carried out in the same electrolyte at the same deposition parameters but with the electrolyte mixing at various stages of electrolysis.
During each series of experiments, the author determined the technological modes of the coating producing, its composition and specific surface. It is shown that it is possible to change zinc concentration in the coating and its specific surface at various technological modes of deposition (with the electrolyte mixing and without it). The study allowed making the conclusion on the most optimal technological conditions of electrodeposition with the purpose of producing certain cuprum and zinc concentration in the coating. Preliminary tests showed that such cuprum-zinc coating can be used for wastewater aftertreatment from ethylene glycol.
About the authors
Alena Gennadyevna Denisova
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
Author for correspondence.
postgraduate student of “Nanotechnologies, material engineering and mechanics”
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