- Authors: Diakova V.V.1
- Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan
- Issue: No 3 (2016)
- Pages: 28-31
- Section: Гуманитарные науки
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 291
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One of the key characteristics of democratic and sustained development of the Russian state in modern times is the degree of population cohesion on the general civil basis. Modern Russian Generation X is represented by the citizens who were born in the Soviet Union between 1963 and 1984. Their socialization process (its main stage) concurred with such events as restructuring, disintegration of the USSR, “dashing” 1990s; today they make up a third of the population and the basis of the labor force of the country; that is why the analysis of the civil identity of Russians in this age group is so important.
The paper presents the results of a sociological survey conducted in the Astrakhan region to study the characteristics of the civil identity of the region population, in particular the representatives of Generation X. Certain levels of identity (civil, regional and ethnic) have been considered, as well as value system and orientations, patriotic feelings, and ways to implement the civil rights.
The author analyzes the conditions for the development of the Russian Generation X and the assessment of its civil identity. Data obtained as a result of research in Astrakhan region led to the conclusion of the civil identity of the studied population group, of such components of the analyzed scientific category as cognitive, evaluative, and activity; special attention is paid to the patriotic aspect.
As a part of the study of the current issue of population consolidation, as well as the further development of Russian democracy, important are the conclusions made in the paper about the overrepresentation of civil identity in Generation X, the dominance of electoral participation in the processes of civil rights implementation.
About the authors
Vera Valerievna Diakova
Astrakhan State Technical University, Astrakhan
Author for correspondence.
assistant of Chair “Sociology and psychology”
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