- Authors: Popova T.A.1
- Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
- Issue: No 4 (2016)
- Pages: 76-80
- Section: Гуманитарные науки
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 286
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The relevance of linguoculturological and linguo-cognitive research aimed at understanding the relationship between the culture and the language can hardly be overestimated at this stage of the linguistic science development. The study of the concepts which allow exploring the mentality, way of thinking and a worldview of a nation is of a special interest. For the English people, one of such concepts is the weather, an important component of the national sphere of concepts belonging to the basic communicative unit of British society. The necessity to analyze and study of the concept which is so important for the English linguistic culture and of the picture of the world is obvious. This paper examines the concept of “rain” as the major component of the “weather” concept, which is proved by the data from associative dictionaries and a large number of linguistic units that facilitate verbalization of the concept in the English language. The “rain” concept is analyzed in the paper through the prism of English phraseology and paremiology. Idioms and paremias serve as ample material for research, as they are nationally specific linguistic units that contain a generalized cultural experience of the nation. Through data analysis of idiomatic and paremiological English Dictionaries, the author identifies the cognitive features of the “rain” concept and its perception by the representatives of the British culture. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the English language contains a large number of phraseological units and proverbs containing the concept “rain”, which proves its relevance for native English speakers. In addition, the paper identifies the cognitive traits associated with the predominantly negative perception of this concept. The paper also provides an overview of theoretical material on the phraseology, paremiology, and research of the concept “rain”.
About the authors
Tatiana Andreevna Popova
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
Author for correspondence.
postgraduate student of the Chair of the English linguistics at the department of philology
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