- Authors: Nazaryev A.V.1, Bochkarev P.Y.1
- Yu.A. Gagarin Saratov State Technical University, Saratov
- Issue: No 3 (2017)
- Pages: 84-89
- Section: Technical Sciences
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 220
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Currently, the issue of improving the production of high-accuracy assembly units takes the center stage since these products are characterized by rigid, increasingly stringent requirements for accuracy and quality of manufacture. This leads to the problem of achieving specified operational characteristics of such products. Today, there are some isolated solutions to the individual tasks of this problem, and there is no any closest to real requirements concept of the system as a whole. For this reason, it is necessary to carry out the research to create the integrated approach ensuring the efficient assembly of high-accuracy products. The paper forms the structure of integrated approach (the complex of design procedures) based on the establishing the relation between the processing and assembling factories pre-production engineering with respect to the requirements specified during the product designing. The paper also selects and analyzes the mathematical models and approaches for implementing the complex (the mathematical model for the representation and analysis of the parts and assemblies the initial data for which are the obtained graphs of conjugations of assembly unit components and the dimensions graphs; the approach to automate the process dimension chains the initial data for which are the engineering process graph and the dimension chains). The implementation of this integrated approach within the system of automated manufacturing planning allows taking into account the actual manufacturing situation and selecting reasonable engineering procedures of the parts processing with respect to the assembly requirements that, in its turn, leads to the accuracy and quality improvement, labor saving, the production time reduction, and the high-accuracy products cost reduction, and causes time reduction and labor saving during the pre-production engineering.
About the authors
Aleksandr Viktorovich Nazaryev
Yu.A. Gagarin Saratov State Technical University, Saratov
Author for correspondence.
postgraduate student of Chair “Mechanical engineering”
РоссияPetr Yurievich Bochkarev
Yu.A. Gagarin Saratov State Technical University, Saratov
Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor, professor of Chair “Mechanical engineering”
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