- Authors: Shlyarov V.V.1, Zagulyaev D.V.1, Gromov V.E.1
- Siberian State Industrial University
- Issue: No 1 (2018)
- Pages: 98-104
- Section: Technical Sciences
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 125
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With the development of modern technologies, a growing number of plants forming magnetic fields around themselves appear. Since most of the structures and mechanisms operate under the mechanical stresses leading to the de-struction, the study of metals behavior under the external energy conditions is necessary to analyze their operational life.
To carry out the study, it was decided to use commercial-purity A85 aluminum as a research material. Since at present aluminum dominates the non-ferrous metals market and is widely used in machine building, electrical industry and tool engineering, industrial and civil construction, etc., the issue of modifying this material is very topical.
In this paper, the authors study the influence of weak magnetic fields up to 0.5 T on the structure and deformation char-acteristics of aluminum for the possibility of plasticizing the material and further application of this technology in the pro-duction, as well as for deeper study of theoretical part of this phenomenon and the construction of theory on the influence of magnetic fields on physical and mechanical properties of paramagnetic metals.
During the study, it is found out that the effect of the magnetic field influence is not unambiguous: the creep rate both increases reaching the maximum value at 0.1 T, and slows down reaching the minimum value at 0.5 T. We can note that during the experiments, it became possible to plasticize the material under investigation by influencing it with the magnet-ic field. The distributions of the grain structure of samples destroyed under the creep conditions with and without the mag-netic field superposition are unimodal and can be described by a lognormal law.
About the authors
V. V. Shlyarov
Siberian State Industrial University
Author for correspondence.
РоссияD. V. Zagulyaev
Siberian State Industrial University
PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, assistant professor of professor V.M. Finkel Chair of Natural Sciences
РоссияV. E. Gromov
Siberian State Industrial University
Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Head of professor V.M. Finkel Chair of Natural Sciences
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