- Authors: Tsvetkova I.V.1
- Togliatti State University
- Issue: No 1 (2018)
- Pages: 130-136
- Section: Гуманитарные науки
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 122
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The relevance of the study is caused by the necessity to solve environmental issues basing on the participation of the population in various types of ecological activity. The concept of ecological activity is understudied in the modern science. Probably, it is caused by the fact that the ecological activity is closely related to various types of social activity of people. The paper emphasizes the theoretical approaches to the study of ecological activity, analyzes the peculiarities of philosophical, social-ecological, and sociological approaches.
It is determined that in the restrict sense the ecological activity is considered as an effective utilization of natural resources. Generally, the ecological activity is understood as a tool of harmonization between nature, engineering systems and the society. The author concludes that the background of ecological activity is the ecological culture values, which focus the activity on the protection of natural environment.
The paper emphasizes the necessity to analyze social aspects of the ecological activity. They are implemented in the creation of safe, comfortable living environment based on the effective ecological control. The author proves the conclusion that the ecological activity is an important factor in the sustainable development of civilization.
The theoretical theses served as the methodological basis for the empirical study. The object of the study is the population of Samara region. The paper identified the specific character of participation in the ecological activity of different groups of the population. In the result of the cluster analysis, the differences between three social groups according to the specificity of attitude to the ecological norms and values are determined. The author concludes that the activeness of participation in the types of ecological activity demonstrates the level of the ecological culture.
The results of the questioning indicate that the most differences can be traced in the attitude of the participants of questioning to the implementation of ecological norms, to the activities on the environmental amenities. The results of the questioning demonstrate the contradictions between the activeness of participation in the ecological activity and t he environmental awareness. The conclusion is made that the gaps in the formation of the ecological culture are manifested in the level and orientation of the ecological activity of the population.
About the authors
I. V. Tsvetkova
Togliatti State University
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Sciences (Philosophy), professor of Chair “History and Philosophy”
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