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The paper considers the topical scientific issue of improving the efficiency of pre-production engineering of multiproduct machining plants. Within the ever-changing operating conditions, it is necessary to create the engineering process computer-aided planning systems able promptly to adopt technology to changes. The methodology of an engineering process computer-aided planning system meets this demand due to the existence of multi-option solutions and full project procedures automation. However, in the project procedures, the decisions are made without regard for their mutual influence. In this paper, the authors prove the generalized criterion of assessment of pre-production engineering efficiency that amounts to the equipment accumulated operation time for machining of specified parts nomenclature and allows evaluating the influence of the decisions made in various project procedures. Within the frames of the engineering process computer-aided planning system, each project procedure consists of three stages: generation of possible options, irrational options screening, and selection of reasonable options for a certain manufacturing situation. At the stages of irrational options screening, there are some criteria but the decisions are made based on average values. That leads to the screening of effective options. In this connection, the authors propose the technique of project procedures ranking according to the degree of influence on the changes of value of generalized criterion for efficiency. For more significant project procedures, it is necessary to carry out a more careful analysis of project decisions through less rigorous screening to increase the number of analyzed options. As a result, at the stage of selection of reasonable options, the system chooses the most effective of them from the point of view of the functioning of the entire manufacturing system.

About the authors

I. A. Razmanov

Yuri Gagarin Saratov State Technical University

Author for correspondence.

S. G. Mitin

Yuri Gagarin Saratov State Technical University


P. Yu. Bochkaryov

Yuri Gagarin Saratov State Technical University



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