- Authors: Selivanov A.S.1, Balakhnina A.A.1, Soroka I.V.1
- Togliatti State University
- Issue: No 3 (2018)
- Pages: 57-62
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 96
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Under the conditions of the necessity of introduction of the advanced production technologies to match the solutions being developed, the principles of industry 4.0 require the development of the elements for the automation of technological processes including forecasting. Understanding the mechanisms of tool wear and special aspects of its destruction during the ultrasonic strengthening treatment by burnishing will allow developing the principles of forecasting of the tool operational life and optimizing the costs for support of technological processes. The paper considers the special aspects of wear and destruction of a tool during the ultrasonic burnishing of machine parts. It is found that during the ultrasonic treatment, along with the tool wear, such effects as tool plastic deformation, solder destruction and the loss of a working insert, the destruction of a threaded joint in the ultrasonic concentrator are observed. During the analysis of the results of the performed microscopic studies, the authors determined the dynamics of step-by-step deformation of tool material, the further development of defects during the processing up to the critical dimensions. The position of main points of origin of the burnishing tool wear is determined as well. The authors considered the principal differences in the development of foci of wear during the ultrasonic burnishing, carried out the analysis of graphic materials obtained during the processing with ultrasonic burnishing, and determined the nature of defects of a tool working section. The assumption about the influence of cavitation of the lubricating-cooling technological medium layer or oil films remaining on the surface of a detail on the emerging defects of a burnishing tool is made.
About the authors
A. S. Selivanov
Togliatti State University
Author for correspondence.
Selivanov Aleksandr Sergeevich - PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, Director of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering.
445020, Togliatti, Belorusskaya Street, 14. Tel.: (8482) 53-91-20
A. A. Balakhnina
Togliatti State University
Balakhnina Anna Aleksandrovna - senior lecturer of Chair “Nanotechnologies, Materials Science and Mechanics”.
445020, Togliatti, Belorusskaya Street, 14. Tel.: (8482) 53-91-20
I. V. Soroka
Togliatti State University
Soroka Irina Valerievna - senior lecturer of Chair “Nanotechnologies, Materials Science and Mechanics”.
445020, Togliatti, Belorusskaya Street, 14. Tel.: (8482) 53-91-20
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