- Authors: Nosov N.V.1, Zyabochkina A.P.1
- Samara State Technical University
- Issue: No 3 (2018)
- Pages: 38-47
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 94
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The paper presents the results of the study aimed at the improvement of the quality of individual corrective insole through the development and the introduction to the designing process of the modern methods of computational simulation, and the insole material analysis and consideration of their mechanical behavior during the use.
The experimental part involved the compression of samples made of composite EVA-materials. The obtained physical and mechanical properties were modeled in the CAE system. Using the CAE system, the authors studied the deformation of the insole arch under different pressures and combination of EVA-materials of different hardness.
The insole model was designed in OrthoModel and exported to the STL file format. Later, using the FreeCAD software, the STL format was exported to the STEP format as the ANSYS system is more customized for the solid-state format. The authors created the finite-element model of the insole which was exposed to different working loads. The stresses and deformations of the insole in the process of loading depending on the combination of a material and the foot geometrical parameters were obtained.
The authors of the paper suggested the technique of designing of the individual corrective insoles, selected the rational design and the material of insoles. The deformation of insoles under the load is calculated and considered in the further programming of insole processing using CNC machines. Having the insole 3D model, it is possible both to produce it using the CNC machine and to print it on a 3D printer. An important part of the paper is the justification of the production cost of individual corrective insoles. The calculations show that the expensive technology works well.
About the authors
N. V. Nosov
Samara State Technical University
Author for correspondence.
Nosov Nikolay Vasilievich - Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor.
443100, Samara, Molodogvardeyskaya Street, 244. Tel.: 8 917 101-91-78
A. P. Zyabochkina
Samara State Technical University
Zyabochkina Aleksandra Pavlovna - postgraduate student.
443100, Samara, Molodogvardeyskaya Street, 244.
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