- Authors: Vyboishchik M.A.1, Knyazkin S.A.2
- Togliatti State University
- LLC “IT-Service”
- Issue: No 3 (2018)
- Pages: 31-37
- Section: Articles
- URL: https://vektornaukitech.ru/jour/article/view/93
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18323/2073-5073-2018-3-31-37
- ID: 93
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The depletion of the existing and the introduction of new oil fields lead to the continuously growing corrosion activity of the produced fluids what increases the intensity of breakdown of the oil field equipment. To ensure the adequate working capacity, it is necessary to develop and apply new steels with the increased strength and corrosion resistance. It is necessary as well to increase the volume and to develop new methods of field tests; based on such tests only it is possible to obtain the reliable understanding of the mechanisms and the kinetics of the ongoing processes of the corrosive-mechanical destruction and to assess the working capacity of the pipeline systems under the actual operating conditions of a certain field.
The authors present the developed techniques of three main types of pilot tests: the bypass lines, the intermittent monitoring of production strings and the intermittent monitoring of the operating pipelines. The characteristic feature of the suggested tests is the systematic comparative analysis of the current state with the states before operating and the states of preceding stages of tests. For this reason, pilot tests come with the additional tests that are combined in two groups according to their functionality. The first group characterizes the initial state of metal and the change of its properties after tests (chemical and phase composition, the structural condition of metal, mechanical properties, corrosion resistance). The second group characterizes the corrosion damage of the pipeline inner surface caused by the tests (the inner surface condition; the identification of the prevailing type of the corrosive destruction; the evaluation of the rate of general and local corrosion; phase and chemical composition and the morphology of corrosion products; microbiology testing).
The suggested testing techniques allow obtaining the fullest information on the operating capacity and the kinetics of pipes failure development under the certain operating conditions. As an example, the authors describe the results of comparative field tests of the TBG production strings made of 15H5MFBCh steel and of 35G2S and 35G2F conventional steels when operating on five fields with different composition of produced fluids.
About the authors
M. A. Vyboishchik
Togliatti State University
Author for correspondence.
Email: vma@63.ru
Vyboishchik Mikhail Aleksandrovich - Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), professor of Chair “Nanotechnologies, Materials Science and Mechanics”.
445020, Togliatti, Belorusskaya Street, 14. Tel.: 8 917 120-34-73
S. A. Knyazkin
LLC “IT-Service”
Email: knyazkin@its.samara.com
Knyazkin Sergey Aleksandrovich - PhD (Engineering), Head of Department of Field Tests.
443001, Samara, Ulyanovskaya/Yarmarochnaya Street, 52/55. Tel.: 8 987 437-34-41
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