- Authors: Vetkasov N.I.1, Kapustin A.I.1, Sapunov V.V.1
- Ulyanovsk State Technical University
- Issue: No 3 (2018)
- Pages: 14-21
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 91
Cite item
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The paper considers the problem of synthesis of nanocomposites based on the aluminum matrices reinforced with carbon nanotubes with the high physico-mechanical properties, as related to the achievement of a homogeneous dispersion of carbon nanotubes in the aluminum matrix of a composite. The authors developed the principles of the technology of preparation and determined the requirements for the parameters of the so-called normalized charge (a highly homogeneous dry mixture “aluminum powder - single-wall carbon nanotubes”) intended for the efficient synthesis of composite granules by the mechanical alloying.
Aluminum primary dispersed powder PAD-1 and the single-wall carbon nanotubes TUBALL were used as the raw materials, and the stearic acid was used as a process control agent. The processes of normalization and mechanical alloying were carried out in the mechanical reactor of the author's design. The derived composite pellets were exposed to cold and then to hot compaction. The paper shows the effectiveness of the new approach proposed by the authors to the implementation of effective reinforcement of the aluminum matrix powder by the nanotubes. This approach is based on the provision of effective dispersion of carbon nanotubes into alloyed matrix material by introducing the special technological operation -“normalization” of charge - in the technology of synthesis of composite granules, which are the semi-finished material for the production of a composite material with the high physical and technical characteristics.
The paper presents data on the strength parameters of the semi-finished aluminum matrix composites, which were produced using a normalized charge. It is shown that the application of the developed technology for charge normalization provides the increase in the strength characteristics of semi-finished composite materials by at least 25 % compared with the technologies without the application of normalization. The results obtained during the research can be used when improving the technologies of production of the aluminum matrix composites.
About the authors
N. I. Vetkasov
Ulyanovsk State Technical University
Author for correspondence.
Vetkasov Nikolai Ivanovich - Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), professor of Chair “Mechanical Engineering”.
432027, Ulyanovsk, Severny Venets Street, 32. Tel.: (8422) 41-82-47
A. I. Kapustin
Ulyanovsk State Technical University
Kapustin Anatoly Ivanovich - Head of Laboratory.
432027, Ulyanovsk, Severny Venets Street, 32. Tel.: (8422) 77-81-03
V. V. Sapunov
Ulyanovsk State Technical University
Sapunov Valery Viktorovich - PhD (Engineering), assistant professor of Chair “Mechanical Engineering”.
432027, Ulyanovsk, Severny Venets Street, 32. Tel.: (8422) 41-80-16
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