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The paper considers the deformation mechanism when cutting thin sheet material to predict the quality of a cut profile by the rational choice of a gap and the indicators of the “workpiece – sectional working tool” system. The research objectives were solved for flat deformation using the finite element model of a cutting process. Based on the calculation results, the author described the stress-strain state of the material in the cutting zone for four stages of the process and determined the indices of the stress-strain state and the conditions in the material leading to the crack formation. The degree of influence of the deformation force and pressing on the values of the elastic deformation of sections and the gap value is estimated. The study identified the bursting force value which corresponds to the value of 10 to 30 % of the maximum force of a shearing operation. In the work, it is noted that the lateral bursting force influences considerably the variation of a gap between the cutting sections. It is found that the gap size variation under the influence of elastic deformations of the upper and lower sections is small and is within the permitted recommended gap. The author offers the condition for the production of a qualitative profile surface of a cut which is provided in the case of coincidence of the crack propagation direction and the direction connecting the cutting edges on the top and bottom sections. It is determined that the optimal gap for the parameters values used in the work is 5 % of the material thickness, which is consistent with the production results. The analysis of fields’ distribution of the main normal stresses in the deformation region allowed determining that the stresses, being the stretching, contribute to the opening of shearing cracks occurring in the layers of a workpiece located near the cutting edges. The paper notes that the value of the resultant of main normal tensile stress in the deformation region of the upper tool greater than that of the cutting edge of the lower tool facilitates the shearing crack propagation from the cutting edge of the upper tool.

About the authors

P. N. Shenberger

Togliatti State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: Shenberger@tltsu.ru

senior lecturer of Chair “Welding, pressure materials treatment and related processes”



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