The development of methodological and mathematical tools for implementing the strategy of identifying critical requirements for assembling highly-precise goods
- Authors: Nazaryev A.V.1, Bochkarev P.Y.2,3
- Branch of the FSUE “Academician Pilyugin Scientific-Production Center of Automatics and Instrument-Building” – “Industrial Association “Korpus”, Saratov
- Kamyshin Technological Institute (branch) of Volgograd State Technical University, Kamyshin
- N.I. Vavilov Saratov State Agrarian University, Saratov
- Issue: No 4 (2022)
- Pages: 70-80
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 809
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The problem of improving the production of highly-precise devices and machines has primary importance. It is caused by the fact that the quality and accuracy of production of such devices impose increasingly stringent requirements, while standard approaches intended to ensure these criteria are insufficiently multipurpose. The developed approach – a complex of formalized design procedures for systems for accounting the requirements for the assembly of highly-precise goods when designing technological processes of mechanical treatment – allows solving these problems. However, it is necessary to develop additional solutions to ensure the relationship between the design and technological preproduction. The relevance of the study is in the solution of an important problem – the improvement of the procedure for carrying out the design-dimensional analysis within the system for accounting the requirements for the assembly of highly-precise products when designing technological processes of mechanical treatment. To solve this issue, the authors proposed the technique of component separation of a highly-precise good based on the identification of a base component / assembly unit and specified a mathematical model for the formation of a conjugation graph and a dimension graph, which is necessary to identify critical (vital) requirements to assembly and carrying out the design-dimensional analysis. Introducing the proposed techniques will allow choosing rational technologies for producing parts at further stages of implementation of design procedures of the system for accounting the requirements for the assembly of highly-precise goods when designing technological processes of mechanical treatment. In turn, it will cause labor intensity reduction and cutting the time of production of highly-precise goods and will allow decreasing costs during design-technological preparation within the conditions of multiproduct manufacture.
About the authors
Aleksandr V. Nazaryev
Branch of the FSUE “Academician Pilyugin Scientific-Production Center of Automatics and Instrument-Building” – “Industrial Association “Korpus”, Saratov
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0610-6060
PhD (Engineering), 1st category design engineer
РоссияPetr Yu. Bochkarev
Kamyshin Technological Institute (branch) of Volgograd State Technical University, Kamyshin;N.I. Vavilov Saratov State Agrarian University, Saratov
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0587-6338
Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor
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