- Authors: Mesropyan A.V.1, Rakhmatullina M.R.1
- Ufa State Aviation Technical University
- Issue: No 2 (2018)
- Pages: 41-46
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 80
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The global trends of the energy consumption growth, oil recovery enhancement, alongside with the regulatory requirements strengthening and the strengthening of laws regarding the ensuring of rational nature management, the ecology, and industrial safety requirements predetermine the urgency and the demand for the development and implementation of new technological, schematic and layout solutions providing high-quality reservoir-to-well connectivity. The paper considers the issues of improving the quality of oil- and gas-bearing strata completion, analyzes the existing methods and engineering tools for productive stratum completion. The authors put forward the arguments proving that, in the context of providing the reservoir-to-well connectivity and the compliance with the major criteria of completion efficiency, the application of drilling perforation is the most rational for work with the well stock, especially in complex reservoirs, and when working in slant directional and horizontal wells. The authors carried out the patent survey and the analysis of the existing engineering tools, in the result of which they offered the advanced drilling perforator with the electrohydraulic system and stringer rotating mechanism for the oil- and gas-bearing strata completion that saves the filtration properties of a stratum by tapping it sparingly, ensures high quality of the reservoir-to-well connectivity, and contributes to the increasing oil recovery factor due to the multiple perforations. It is identified that the high-quality reservoir-to-well connectivity and the oil recovery increase depend considerably on the perforators’ technical parameters and are ensured by the proper simulation of the operational processes within the critical constructional elements of a perforator.
About the authors
A. V. Mesropyan
Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Author for correspondence.
Mesropyan Arsen Vladimirovich, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), professor of Chair of Applied Hydromechanics
450008, Ufa, Karl Marks Street, 12
РоссияM. R. Rakhmatullina
Ufa State Aviation Technical University
Rakhmatullina Margarita Radikovna, graduate student
450008, Ufa, Karl Marks Street, 12
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