- Authors: Kovtunov A.I.1, Pudovkina N.G.1, Pudovkin A.A.1, Maslyaev A.M.1
- Togliatti State University
- Issue: No 2 (2018)
- Pages: 34-40
- Section: Articles
- URL: https://vektornaukitech.ru/jour/article/view/79
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18323/2073-5073-2018-2-34-40
- ID: 79
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While repairing the metallic structures of tanks, main and process pipelines of oil and oil products transportation system, high porosity of welds can be observed. As a reason of high porosity, the change of chemical composition and metal structure resulting from the environmental effect including the contact with oil and oil products can be considered. The dominant factors affecting the high pore-formation while repairing the elements of pipeline transportation system which were described earlier in the research literature with respect to the special characteristics of continuous wire welding in the carbon dioxide environment are the high hydrogen and carbon content in the molten weld pool, high cooling rate of metal, strain aging of the ferritic-pearlitic steels, and the hydrogen embrittlement. The conclusion about the reasons for high porosity is made. The authors carried out some studies which verified the increased hydrogen and carbon content in the metal under the influence of operational factors and what is more, in metal at the side of contact with oil products, the hydrogen content by weight on the inside of sample is twice as big as the hydrogen content by weight on the outside of it. The carbon content on the side of contact with oil is 20 % more than that on the inside. Based on the research, the authors offered a number of techniques for decreasing the weld metal porosity under factory conditions of PAO “Transneft”: the increase of heat input rate of welding within the established range of welding modes; the preliminary thermal treatment of used steel with the following slow cooling for the decrease of free carbon.
About the authors
A. I. Kovtunov
Togliatti State University
Author for correspondence.
Email: akovtunov@rambler.ru
Kovtunov Aleksandr Ivanovich, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), professor of Chair “Welding, metal forming and related processes”
445020, Togliatti, Belorusskaya Street, 14
РоссияN. G. Pudovkina
Togliatti State University
Email: pud_ng@mail.ru
Pudovkina Nadezhda Gennadievna, graduate student of Chair “Welding, metal forming and related processes”
445020, Togliatti, Belorusskaya Street, 14
РоссияA. A. Pudovkin
Togliatti State University
Email: 6am6ucha@bk.ru
Pudovkin Andrey Andreevich, graduate student of Chair “Welding, metal forming and related processes”
445020, Togliatti, Belorusskaya Street, 14
РоссияA. M. Maslyaev
Togliatti State University
Email: maslyaevam@sam.transneft.ru
Maslyaev Aleksandr Mikhailovich, graduate student of Chair “Welding, metal forming and related processes”
445020, Togliatti, Belorusskaya Street, 14
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