- Authors: Kharseeva N.V.1
- Kuban Social and Economic Institute, Krasnodar
- Issue: No 1 (2015)
- Pages: 199-202
- Section: Гуманитарные науки
- URL: https://vektornaukitech.ru/jour/article/view/533
- ID: 533
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The article covers the study of business culture as the environment for development of cultural and moral foundations of business, and the determination of characteristics of cultural and moral grounds for business activity in Russian philosophy. The author carried out the analysis of national stereotype of business behaviour and business philosophy. Cultural and moral foundations being the base element of social consciousness of a business entity is the subject for study. The goal of research is the social and philosophy analysis of cultural and moral system of values of business activity being carried out in the environment of social and cultural changes in modern Russia, understanding of the place of business in business culture of the country. It is possible to consider the following statements as the research results that have the features of novelty: 1) the author systematized the ideas of Russian thinkers concerning the issue of dialectic of moral and business spheres of the society that allows to insist on the necessity of their introduction into the modern business culture; 2) the author gives her own understanding of business and economic culture where: a) business culture is positioned as the organic part of traditional national culture; b) the synonymy of the notions of “business culture” and “economic culture” is excluded. To reveal the specific characteristic of such notion as “business culture” the author used axiological approach. The analysis of the national stereotype of business behaviour and business philosophy showed that the following characteristics can be considered as the basic values of Russian business culture: love, goodness, primary moral data (Vl. Soloviev) (shame; sorrow; piety, or superior adoration), positive freedom (freedom “for”) (N.A. Berdyaev, S.N. Bulgakov, S.L. Frank), national unity, common ideal, labour, non-acquisitiveness, service, equity, asceticism, altruism, and pragmatism. The results obtained can be used in the practice of management of cultural, moral, and economic processes in the context of today’s Russia, and for determination of prospective lines of development of business culture. The research materials can be also used for the courses of history of culture, philosophy and business history.
About the authors
Nataliya Vyacheslavovna Kharseeva
Kuban Social and Economic Institute, Krasnodar
Author for correspondence.
Email: katusja2002@mail.ru
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