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Restructuring of the economic model of the country’s development and transition to the import substitution of technologies using domestic sources for growth is only possible through enhancing innovation. The article emphasizes the issue of the necessity to strengthen interindustry cooperation between engineering and construction companies on the basis of cluster development model. Sectoral programmes and development strategies are not mostly focused on the innovative development of the construction and machine-building complexes, as well as the questions of stimulation of cooperation processes and integration prospects for the development of industries. Development of the regional construction cluster contributes to the formation of the innovation system in the construction industry.

The article analyzes the operating building clusters of the Russian Federation (Ural construction cluster (Sverdlovsk region), Inter-regional research and production cluster (Saratov region), International cluster of wooden construction and woodworking (Vologda region), Cluster of building materials industry and construction on the territory of Samara region and the Cluster of composite building materials in Lipetsk region). The author defines their characteristics, objectives, and principles of formation, as well as competitive advantages of the clusters and problems of implementation of cluster initiatives. The conclusion is that the functioning construction clusters are focused on the purchase of progressive foreign technologies, and only two clusters (Saratov and Lipetsk regions) have planned strategies for the development of new products for the construction market and conducting their own research and development activity. It is noted that the implementation of such a strategy can lead to achieving the goal of reducing dependence on import substitution of the construction industry from foreign machinery and equipment.

About the authors

Yulia Georgievna Lavrikova

Institute of Economics of Ural branch of RAS, Yekaterinburg


Doctor of Economics, Professor, Deputy Director


Svetlana Nikolaevna Kotlyarova

Institute of Economics of Ural branch of RAS, Yekaterinburg


candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor, Head of a Sector


Arina Valerievna Suvorova

Institute of Economics of Ural branch of RAS, Yekaterinburg

Author for correspondence.




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