- Authors: Kniga M.D.1
- The Central branch of the Russian State University of Justice, Voronezh
- Issue: No 1 (2015)
- Pages: 150-154
- Section: Гуманитарные науки
- URL:
- ID: 523
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Some prerevolutionary researchers considered popularization of scientific and agrarian knowledge to be a way of modernization of agriculture and an alternative to the radical solution of an agrarian question. The first thorough works devoted to this problem appeared during the post-reform period, the authors being the officials of the agrarian department and activists of scientific organizations. The peak of interest in agropromotion fell on the beginning of the XX century which is justified by the fact that agricultural education became the major trend of the Stolypin 's reforms. Prerevolutionary publications contain valuable information on participation in agronomical projects not only of the government (V.V. Morachevsky's work), but also of other educational entities: zemstvos (works of A.A. Kaufman, G.A. Sazonov, B. Veselovsky); agricultural societies (A. Sovetov's article); experimental institutions (works of D.N. Pryanishnikov, A.G. Doyarenko, V.V. Viner) and private individuals. The period under discussion gave rise to researches devoted to certain forms of agricultural education (researches of V.V. Schneider, M. Puzanov, I. Meshchersky). Questions of rationalization of agriculture became central in works of representatives of the organizational and production trend. Works of scientists were noteworthy for their analytical component, while works of county agronomists were remarkable for providing applied aspects of work with peasants. It was practical workers such as V.A. Vladimirsky, A.A. Zubrilin, P.D. Kopytov, Yu.Ye. Makarenko, A.V. Teytel, S.P. Fridolin and others who saw the problems within county peasant community. The history of agricultural education is supplemented by works about agrarian education by A.G. Nebolsin, N.P. Moskalsky, I.N. Miklashevsky.
The scientist and the agronomist I.A. Stebut was the first pre-revolutionary author who identified the historical conditionality of agricultural education, proved its role in modernization of agrarian production.
About the authors
Marina Davidovna Kniga
The Central branch of the Russian State University of Justice, Voronezh
Author for correspondence.
candidate of historical sciences, assistant professor of the Department of Theory and History of Law and State
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