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Market economy pays great attention to the innovations. The competitive advantages of an enterprise, market opportunities and operating efficiency depend considerably on the innovative activity of an enterprise. To perform innovative activity a modern enterprise should possess necessary resources and opportunities. Literature on economics uses the concept “innovative capacity”. At the same time, this category does not have exact interpretation, and it causes certain discussions. The article studies theoretical approaches to the definition of the “innovative capacity” category. Certain sources, while studying the understanding of innovative capacity essence, concern resource approach according to which the innovative capacity is considered to be the complex of various types of resources ensuring the implementation of innovative development of business objects. The article defined that to achieve innovative development a modern enterprise should possess basic resources, such as: human, intellectual, information and knowledge, technology, energy, capital assets, material and finance. Development and creation of innovative products improve the competitive advantages of an enterprise, allow to win new markets, expand the potential customers base, and improve own financial results. To estimate if an enterprise is able to perform innovative development it is necessary to know whether it possesses innovative resources. As a result of the study, the concept of “innovative capacity” and “innovative resources” are specified. To our opinion, the innovative capacity of a modern enterprise is a complex of resources, reserves and opportunities allowing to perform innovative activity, achieve the innovative goals, and improve the performance ratio. The resources ensuring innovative development of an enterprise can be represented by the innovative resources.

About the authors

Leila Farhadovna Berdnikova

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

candidate of economic sciences, assistant professor of the Department «Accounting, Analysis and Audit»



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