- Authors: Rodionov I.K.1, Rodionov I.I.1
- Togliatti State University, Togliatti
- Issue: No 2-2 (2015)
- Pages: 166-170
- Section: Articles
- URL: https://vektornaukitech.ru/jour/article/view/492
- ID: 492
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The strengthening of roof steel trusses is often achieved by the increase of columns section by means of joining of columns elements during welding. The welding heats the sections and develops flexural deformations. For rational strengthening, it is necessary to take into account these effects. In this connection, the authors developed the methods for calculation of welded deflections produced when strengthening by means of increase of sections in fixed columns of roof steel trusses. These methods are based on the method of determination of welding stresses and deformations known as the «slack temperatures» method. It takes into account the main characteristics of strengthening: the existence in the strengthened elements of compression stresses developed in the result of load, several longitudinal welding seams, and section complexity. These methods are based on the idea of thermal power division during the welding of elements depending on their thicknesses. In cases of strengthening by weld facing of each seam, the authors determined the distributions of welding stresses separately from thermal power necessary for strengthened and strengthening elements.
The procedure of calculation of welding stresses resulted from thermal power necessary for strengthening elements is the same as their calculation procedure in the unstressed element. When calculating stresses from thermal power necessary for the base elements, the authors take into account the compression stresses from the load.
The torques and, consequently, the column welding deflections are determined according to the mutual actions of shrinkage forces originated in the strengthened and the strengthening elements.
The obtained technique of calculation became the basis for the proving of welding technologies allowing strengthening of columns of steel angle trusses during any forcing, including the maximum permissible computed values, and considerably (up to 30%) increase the effect from the strengthening (in comparison with the traditional technologies).
About the authors
Igor Konstantinovich Rodionov
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
Author for correspondence.
Email: riktlt@mail.ru
candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor, assistant professor of the department «Urban Construction and Management»
РоссияIgor Igorevich Rodionov
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
Email: inmylave@mail.ru
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