- Authors: Mitin S.G.1, Bochkaryov P.Y.1
- Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Saratov
- Issue: No 2-2 (2015)
- Pages: 117-122
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- ID: 484
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The article considers issues of increasing efficiency in multiproduct machining manufacturing systems by complex automation of production preparation stage. After analysis of modern software possibilities for design automation their shortcomings come to light and the principles are formulated for creation of integrated design and process planning system that ensures effective interaction at various design stages. As a basis for making rational decisions, the automated design system for production operation takes the central place in the integrated technological process planning system. In the course of development of the automated design system for production operations the approaches are found to formalization of design procedures by means of mathematical modeling. An important feature of the proposed models and techniques is the accounting of all planned nomenclature of the processed components as well as orientation to the current state of a production system. For the procedure of equipment generation the model is described with application of Petri nets that allows creating a set of feasible options of cutting and auxiliary tools for all planned nomenclature of the processed components. Elimination of irrational options can be carried out by using criterion of uniformity which ensures invariance of operation structures. For modeling the procedure of generating possible process steps sequences, the graph theory is used. Modeling of procedures for selection of rational equipment sets and operation structures is carried out simultaneously. To do this, the authors suggest using dynamic programming, therefore the system is optimized in general and there is no need for examining of all possible options. Criteria of optimization are the total processing time of all planned components and number of tool changes. In the conclusion of the article the ways of further development and application of the developed system are defined.
About the authors
Sergei Gennadyevich Mitin
Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Saratov
candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor, assistant professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies
РоссияPyotr Yuryevich Bochkaryov
Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Saratov
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Manufacturing Technologies
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