- Authors: Merkulov R.V.1
- Nevinnomyssk State Institute of Humanities and Engineering, Nevinnomyssk
- Issue: No 2-2 (2015)
- Pages: 112-116
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- ID: 483
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The goal of this work is to analyze the process of pulse high-voltage compensator discharge welding using the magnetic pulse drive to obtain the joints of heterogenic parts of different thickness.
The analysis of high-voltage pulse welding was carried out on the basis of electrodynamics, the theory of electric erosion machining, and the dislocation theory of solid phase joints formation. The quality of welded joints was evaluated according to the results of mechanical performance tests, thermal cycling tests, metallographic examination of optical and electron-beam microscopy.
Experimental research data processing, the analysis of expression of magnetic pressure in terms of equipment parameters specified the necessity of research of characteristics of versatile surge-current generator. The author determined the natural and operating frequency of discharge circuit when connecting a certain number of sections with different types of standard pulse condensers using low-inductance tubes. Records of measurements of natural and operating circuit parameters when connecting accumulator and induction dynamic drive sections were carried out using modern digital equipment.
In the result of analysis of high-voltage pulse welding with magnetic pulse drive it was established that when using magnetic pulse drive with origin gap, it is possible to control energy input into welding area at the account of variation of push bar mass and the gap width. The more are the origin gap and the moving elements mass, the more is the thermal action quantity. When welding the large-sized core parts (d=15–20 мм), it is necessary to use high-frequency current pulse generators (with natural frequency of more than 50 kHz) ensuring arc discharge polarity inversion and, as a consequence, the extension of area of flat part heating at the account of the “magnetic blow” effect.
About the authors
Roman Vyacheslavovich Merkulov
Nevinnomyssk State Institute of Humanities and Engineering, Nevinnomyssk
Author for correspondence.
senior lecturer
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