- Authors: Krishtal M.M.1, Ivashin P.V.1, Polunin A.V.1, Borgardt E.D.1, Tverdohlebov A.Y.1
- Togliatti State University, Togliatti
- Issue: No 2-2 (2015)
- Pages: 86-93
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- ID: 479
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The article covers the issue of improvement of micro-arc oxidation of the most used aluminum casting alloys - aluminum-silicon alloys (silumins). Using the method of micro-arc oxidation, the authors used the AK6M2 and AK9pch silumins samples to get the oxide layers samples, synthesized in the base-composition electrolyte and adding to the electrolyte a small amount of nano-sized silica dioxide powder SiO2. The authors carried out the experimental study of the micro-arc oxidation process performance, the transverse structure of the obtained oxide layers, their phase composition, surface morphology, microhardness, tribological and thermal insulating characteristics. It was found, that the electrolyte modification with nanosized silicon dioxide powder SiO2 significantly increases the productivity of micro-arc oxidation process. The oxide layers formed in the electrolyte, modified by silicon dioxide nanoparticles, display the improved transverse macrostructure and microrelief in comparison with the base variant. The authors found out the simultaneous increase of high-temperature strong phases content and the reduction of metastable low-temperature phases content in the oxide layer. The study revealed the increase of microhardness and wear resistance of the oxide layers, as well as the significant reduction of thermal conductivity of the oxide layers synthesized in the electrolyte when adding silicon dioxide nanoparticles.
About the authors
Mikhail Mikhailovich Krishtal
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, professor of the Department «Nanotechnologies, materials sciences and mechanics», Rector
РоссияPavel Valentinovich Ivashin
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
candidate of technical sciences, Head of the Research division № 4, assistant professor of the Department «Energy machines and controlling systems»
РоссияAnton Victorovich Polunin
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
junior researcher of the Research division № 4
РоссияEvgeny Dmitrievich Borgardt
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
Author for correspondence.
assistant researcher of the Research division № 4
РоссияAndrey Yakovlevich Tverdohlebov
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
junior researcher of the Research division № 4
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