- Authors: Brzhozovsky B.M.1, Martynov V.V.1, Zinina E.P.1
- Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Saratov
- Issue: No 2-2 (2015)
- Pages: 38-43
- Section: Articles
- URL: https://vektornaukitech.ru/jour/article/view/471
- ID: 471
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The article gives the results of experimental study of thermal processes when strengthening the metal-cutting tool in low-temperature plasma of combined discharge using the “Chrom” plant.
The first and the second stages of study identified the influence of fed to the processing zone SHF-power on the passage of temperature front in the “plasma – tool – holder” system in the process of tool heating and cooling and the forming of temperature values in the tool holder body out of the zone of plasma influence, i.e. lagged temperature.
The results of the first stage of study made it possible to identify that the lagged temperature increment depends on the degree of the ambipolar process reaction both near the plasma low bound (on the low levels of fed SHF-power) and within the whole drift space (on the high levels of fed SHF-power).
The results of the second stage showed that the domination of tendency to propagation of large flows of heat fed from plasma to the tool space at the initial stages may lead to the over-heating and tool base tempering. The reason is the “closing” of heat in the heating zone which propagation velocity is notably higher than the temperature front propagation velocity. It caused by the fact that, for this moment, the channel for heat rejection through convective emission and to the massive heat elements (tool holder and tail end) is not formed yet.
During the third stage, while studying the influence of temperature rate of change on the tool physical and mechanical properties formed in the process of its production, the authors revealed that the change of temperature increase rate and plasma turn-off time may change considerably the tool service reliability.
In the whole, the results of research made it possible to display that the process of heat flow propagation in the plasma treatment zone should be controlled to get the reproducible strengthening results complying with the criteria of creation of a course with a specified structure and physical and mechanical properties on the tool working part surface.
About the authors
Boris Maksovich Brzhozovsky
Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Saratov
Author for correspondence.
Email: bmbsar85@mail.ru
Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Professor of the Department of Design of engineering and technological complexes
РоссияVladimir Vasilievich Martynov
Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Saratov
Email: v_martynov@mail.ru
Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Professor of the Department of Design of engineering and technological complexes
РоссияElena Petrovna Zinina
Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Saratov
Email: e-zinina@bk.ru
Doctor of Engineering, assistant professor of the Department of Design of engineering and technological complexes
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