- Authors: Oshanova E.S.1
- Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, Izhevsk
- Issue: No 3-2 (2015)
- Pages: 235-239
- Section: Гуманитарные науки
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 399
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The paper contains the study of utterances with embedded modal particles. These utterances are studied from the perspective of cogitologic concept (one of the research areas of the cognitive character), according to which cogitology science gives multifaceted, multidimensional explanation of the knowledge embodied in the language, and knowledge designated and expressed by means of the language in communicative speech context. It is noted that any utterance is created by a thinking person who understands more or less objectively or subjectively a real ontological situation, assesses its content and describes their attitude to another person – a recipient. The definition to such concepts as "communicative unit", "pragmatic unit" is given as separate and complex units of meaning. Particular attention is paid to the modal particles, which are interconnected and depend on the conceptual and cognitive framework of utterances. It is shown that the particles fall directly into the sphere of communication and pragmatics because their interactive meaning is reduced to indication of presupposition and all sorts of background components, and their main purpose is primarily to achieve a particular communicative effect. The communicative significance of the particles has been specified, as well as their important function which they perform in the construction of utterances; and that defines their important role in the process of language acquisition. The results allow making the conclusion that the modal particles mark the ways to present designated real-ontological situation, so they should be studies in the communicative-pragmatic perspective, in other words, it is important to identify their illocutionary load within the subject-predicate speech units, or statements-sentences. According to the results of the study it has been found that modal particles play a leading role both in terms of implementation by a speaker of different intentional settings within the statements (give a certain communicative-pragmatic perspective), and in terms of adequate understanding of the content of the utterance by a listener and the influence they receive from the speaker during the act of controlled interaction.
About the authors
Ekaterina Sergeevna Oshanova
Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University, Izhevsk
Author for correspondence.
senior lecturer of Chair “Scientific and Technical Translation and Cross-Cultural Communication”
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