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The article deals with the problems connected with the thesaurus lexicography development. The key point is dedicated to modern linguistics metalanguage the basic component of which is linguistic terminology. The given article considers the thesaurus modelling technology of the linguistic terms semantics viewed in foreign and Russian linguistics.

Special attention is paid to the survey of current investigations in the study field found in papers of scholars of the “Theory and Translation practice” Department (Togliatti State University), particularly the thesaurus model of French linguistics metalanguage (Yu.I. Gorbunov) is being analyzed. The current model includes three modules reflecting the basic branches of French linguistics: grammar, phonetics and lexicology.

The results of the thesaurus modelling of French sociolinguistic terminology studied by E.Yu. Sennitskaya are being considered. Her scientific research resulted in French-Russian sociolinguistic thesaurus (ideographic type of dictionary) viewed as a lexicographic model of information-semiotic nature of French sociolinguistic metalanguage.

The significant part of the article is given to the analysis of the results of the English linguistics metalanguage scientific research. In this perspective the scientific works by E.Yu. Gorbunov are of special interest, suggesting the practical use of the thesaurus technology towards the investigation of the semiotic nature of the English morphology and morphosyntax metalanguage.

In her turn Yu.V. Vedernikova refers to the methodology of the thesaurus modelling as well, studying the semantic features of the English cognitive linguistics terminology. Her scientific research resulted in the English cognitive linguistics terminology thesaurus provided with its electronic platform.

The scientific research by I.I. Zhuchkova is of special interest implementing the thesaurus modelling technology towards the English text linguistics terminology. The linguistic model built by I.I. Zhuchkova represents in its system-structured view the basic part of the English text linguistics metalanguage.

As a result of analysis of current English and French linguistic terminology thesaurus models we may conclude that there is a special need to use them as a lingvodidactic tool of linguistic professional competence formation.

About the authors

Yuriy Ivanovich Gorbunov

Togliatti State University, Togliatti

Author for correspondence.

PhD in Linguistics, Professor of the “Theory and Translation practice” Department



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