- Authors: Syrotyuk S.D.1, Korostelev A.A.1
- Togliatti State University, Togliatti
- Issue: No 3-2 (2015)
- Pages: 336-341
- Section: Educational Sciences
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 386
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Analysis of ongoing economic transformation in the country shows that the government policy is aimed at strengthening of economic security and quality of life of the population. However in light of the economic sanctions, it should be stated that education system serves as the basis for dynamic economic growth and social development. It facilitates knowledge intellectualization, formation of human resources for the high-tech sector of the economy, establishment of self-learning organizations where the main principle is to form knowledge based capital. With this, the learning process appears to be integration in the innovators teamwork context. The collective nature of the professional activity requires re-thinking of the value system of resource support for joint work, new evaluation of the intellectual potential of each specialist and its contribution to the formation of the personal integrity of the self-learning organization which is linked to the inter-transfer relations, knowledge integration and professional reflection. The paper describes psychological and educational features of forming the corporate training process. The authors study acmeological, andragogical, team, and reflexive approaches to the designing of the learning content in adapting mature personnel to the requirements of the external environment. They analyze the works of famous scientists in pedagogy, and form the authors’ attitude to the value of collective action processes and professional aptitude of the self-learning organization’s employees. Corporate training is viewed as a management tool used for fast professional adaptation of the company’s employees to the changing conditions which require great intellectual efforts of a personal nature with a minimum of material and financial resources involved. Psychological criteria of the corporate training efficiency can be represented through the parameters of quality of education expressed by satisfaction with the learning process and achievement of the planned goals. The indicator that proves the acquisition of a new value system by the company is the calculated indicator of the new knowledge gain reflected in the increasing willingness of a person to innovate and transfer their own knowledge.
About the authors
Svetlana Dmitrievna Syrotyuk
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
Author for correspondence.
PhD (Pedagogy), Associate Professor, assistant professor of Chair “Management of Organization”, doctoral candidate
РоссияAleksandr Alekseyevich Korostelev
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
Doctor of Sciences (Pedagogy), Professor of Chair “Pedagogy and Methods of Teaching”
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