- Authors: Mamedov A.A.1
- Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow
- Issue: No 1 (2016)
- Pages: 99-105
- Section: Гуманитарные науки
- URL: https://vektornaukitech.ru/jour/article/view/333
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18323/2073-5073-2016-1-99-105
- ID: 333
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The paper considers special characteristics of demographic situation in Russia, the reasons for birth rate falling and rise in mortality, gives some social and demographic characteristics, which influence greatly the lifetime and living standards of Russians, and analyzes the factors contributing to decreasing in labor forces. The author notes that the modern stage of birth rate growth in Russia is characterized by the impact of a number of both negative and positive factors. The loss of reverence for the institution of the family, economic factors, and the reduction of the quantity of fertile age men are considered as the factors of negative dynamics of demographic indices. The analysis of publications on the family problems carried out by the author allows making the conclusion on the devaluation and transformation of the institution of the family that is embodied in the reduction of marriages rate and the trend to the rise in the number of incomplete families and non-registered marriages (extramarital relationships). At the same time, it is uncharacteristic of modern young people to refuse to bear children. Moreover, the complex long-term system of economic measures of the modern demographic policy adopted by the RF government helped to defuse demographic problem and caused the birth rate growth. For 2010-2015, the population of the Russian Federation increased about 3.3 million of men. It should be stated, that the increase of population size took place not only due to the natural increase and net migration but also due to the formation of two new territorial entities of the Russian Federation – the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol city. Further, the author attempted to study and esteem such important negative social phenomenon as the mortality from the external causes at the active working age, its influence on the labor market conjuncture. In this paper, the author pays special attention to the issue of ageing of the population. In particular, the author notes the necessity of social policy formation according to which it will be possible to use senior citizens’ potential in special activities.
About the authors
Andrey Arturovich Mamedov
Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow
Author for correspondence.
Email: zharomizokna@gmail.com
postgraduate student of Chair “Theory and history of sociology”, faculty of sociology, economics and law
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