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Information confrontation in modern conditions is viewed together with the military struggle, political and diplomatic confrontation, economic competition, as well as international scientific and technological competition. According to propositions of the European and American political establishment, the menace of conventional war has changed and nowadays information can be used as a weapon – misinformation and deception in particular. Based on this proposition, NATO is committed to strengthening the potential of strategic communications, which, in their turn, promote conflicts resolution, peacekeeping and reduction in violence. However, the USA strives for global dominance.

The paper regards global dominance of the USA as its presence as the NATO on the territory of the EU. It also understands the US information superiority as the functioning of the NATO Center for Strategic Communications in Riga. Thus, the paper studies the NATO information superiority, and information component of the hybrid wars involving Latvia.

Special attention is paid to the concept “information superiority”, and modern condition of information superiority has been studied in detail. The research mainly focuses on such objects of information confrontation as public opinion, information and telecommunication systems, as well as the use of mass interactive communications in the information confrontation. The author describes the role of the NATO Strategic Communications Center in Riga in achieving information superiority of the NATO within the European Union (EU).

The paper considers the variety of ongoing programs studying techniques of public consciousness as one of the objects of a hybrid war, as well as the programs aimed at dissemination of information flows beyond their own borders and protection of the information area against misinformation.

About the authors

Ekaterina Vladimirovna Dolzhenkova

Saint Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg

Author for correspondence.

postgraduate student of Chair “European studies”



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