- Authors: Korneeva E.G.1
- Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Dolgoprudny
- Issue: No 2 (2016)
- Pages: 119-123
- Section: Гуманитарные науки
- URL:
- DOI:
- ID: 315
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The paper reveals semantic essentials of the English experiential verbs on the example of the verb relish. Involvement of semantic interpretation method into the study has allowed revealing the specifics of the integral and differential features of the English experiential verbs which define denotative scope of their use. The use of semantic tests, as well as the immediate participation of the informants – English native speakers in the study, made it possible to express more accurately and clearly the features of semantic nature of the English experiential verbs and determine the conditions of their functioning in the language. In the course of the pilot study, specifically for the particular stratum of vocabulary, a conceptual language was developed, which allowed presenting the semantic structure of the abovementioned verbs as a semantic model. Briefly, this model could be described as follows. The semantic role of the left actant at the verb relish was defined as “experiencer”. The following attributes are specific for this role: “– initiative aimed at crossing obstacles which prevent a person from entering the desired state”, “+ application of affective power”, “– control over application of power on the initial stage”, “– control over application of power on the final stage”. In addition, it is possible to identify for this role such peculiarities of a person as “intellectual activity” and “time and iterative factors”. Right-hand actant at the verb relish was described as a “qualitative causer”. The semantics of this role depends on the external factor, the causative substance of the emotion described by the verb relish. To identify the semantic type of predicate typical for the English experiential verbs, particularly the verb relish, the author has distinguished a special type of predicate – “experiential type of the predicate”.
About the authors
Elena Gennadievna Korneeva
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Dolgoprudny
Author for correspondence.
PhD (Philology), lecturer of the foreign languages department
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