Special aspects of strain localization during thermal power processing
- Authors: Rastorguev D.A.1, Semenov K.O.1
- Togliatti State University, Togliatti (Russia)
- Issue: No 2 (2021)
- Pages: 26-34
- Section: Articles
- URL: https://vektornaukitech.ru/jour/article/view/140
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18323/2073-5073-2021-2-26-34
- ID: 140
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The paper considers the issues of ensuring the uniformity of strain of axisymmetric long-dimensional samples during thermal force processing (TFP), which is the simultaneous application of force and temperature effects for comprehensive improvement of geometric characteristics and physical and mechanical parameters of the workpiece material. This technology is used at various stages of technological processes of parts manufacturing, but its main task is to ensure the axis straightness and the specified distribution of residual technological stresses at the procuring stage. The disadvantage of TFP is that the axial deformation proceeds nonuniformly along the workpiece axis. The core process parameter is the deformation, the control of which is a key factor ensuring the TFP efficiency. The authors studied the plastic strain distribution over the sections of long-length workpieces with different deformation degrees. The study involved the assessment of strain uniformity over the workpiece sections, taking into account the stage of the stress-strain relation at the end of the loading cycle. Based on the concepts of plastic deformation as an auto-wave process, the authors selected the range of technological modes corresponding to the most uniform strain distribution along the workpiece axis with complete processing of the entire workpiece volume. This range corresponds to the stage of parabolic hardening of the plastic flow curve with the formation of the maximum number of stationary zones of localized plasticity. Rheological modeling allows identifying the control points that specify the boundaries of the plastic flow curve stages at various loading parameters, including temperature. To improve the reliability of determining the actual deformation under production conditions, the authors proposed modernizing the TFP process monitoring method by fixing the deformation on a limited workpiece section using the optical technique. The statistical analysis of the strain distribution over the sections for the samples confirms the correctness of this approach. The application of the proposed control method will ensure the most uniform distribution of plastic deformation due to the reliable enter of the workpiece deformation to the range of strain values corresponding to the stage of parabolic hardening of the plastic flow curve.
About the authors
Dmitry A. Rastorguev
Togliatti State University, Togliatti (Russia)
Author for correspondence.
Email: rast_73@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6298-1068
PhD (Engineering), assistant professor of Chair “Equipment and Technologies of Machine Building Production”
РоссияKirill O. Semenov
Togliatti State University, Togliatti (Russia)
Email: fake@neicon.ru
postgraduate student of Chair “Equipment and Technologies of Machine Building Production”
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