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The Russian language at the beginning of the XXI century is characterized by a great number of compound nouns – names of a person. These nouns are specified by a variety of structural and semantic features. This article describes the use of connecting vowels (interfixes) in formation of compound nouns – the names of a person as well as principle of morpheme structure description. The data corpus for research is taken from “Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language of the beginning of the XXI century. Current vocabulary” by G.N. Sklyarevskaya and from the dictionary-reference book “The name of the person in the Russian language of the beginning of XXI century” by E.A. Zaitzeva. Connecting vowels (interfixes) within a compound noun are a kind of ‘cohesive links’ that join together two parts of the compound and make the grammatical meaning of the first morpheme more neutral. As a rule, linking vowels (interfixes) -o-,-e- are used in formation of compound nouns – the names of a person. In other cases (of “zero” interfixes) connecting vowels can’t be formally pronounced. The usage of “zero” interfixes has increased in contemporary Russian word-formation due to foreign components such as shop-, tour-, show- and the other. The article considers compound names of a person formed according to various word-building models. Contemporary linguistics cannot describe morphemic and word-building structure of compound names of a person with such components as video-, porno-, radio-, tele-, etc. Some linguists call them abbreviated morphemes or abbromorphemes, other consider them to be prefixoids, and the third group insists on calling them analytic adjectives. Thus, several arguable points connected with interpretation of morphemic structure of compound names of the person are discussed in the article.

About the authors

Elena Aleksandrovna Zaitseva

Samara Regional Institute of Professional Development and Retraining of Educators, Samara

Author for correspondence.

candidate of philological sciences, Associate Professor, assistant professor of the Department «Multicultural Education»



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