- Authors: Pochekuev E.N.1, Shenberger P.N.1
- Togliatti State University, Togliatti
- Issue: No 2-2 (2015)
- Pages: 161-165
- Section: Articles
- URL: https://vektornaukitech.ru/jour/article/view/491
- ID: 491
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The article considers the process of exploratory development of separating dies for progressive sheet stamping. The authors carried out the structure-hierarchical description of progressive separating die constructions and presented the construction schematic structure of the progressive separating die developed on the basis of graph-schemes of units and mechanisms. The authors introduced the notion of multitude, which contains various units, attributes and variables determining the die design as the subsets. During the study, the authors created the conceptual schemes for each group of mechanisms determined by the structural links within the multitude of the structure attributes and displayed possible variants of the die design in the form of “decision” table within the binary space of structure elements, their attributes and values. The die mathematical model (DMM) allowing the development of the design according to the requirements and die parameters specified by design engineer was developed. It was offered to implement the procedure of searching for the variants of die structure on the basis of object-oriented programming methods. The authors implemented the idea of interacting objects (units, mechanisms, parts) as the examples of a specified class, where the classes form the inheritance hierarchy, and created the nested classes system for the units, mechanisms and parts with their properties inheritance.
The authors created an applied software product (in NX OPEN environment using C# programming language) for the exploratory development of the structure of die equipment using the materials implemented in database. The logic scheme of knowledge base allowed to select the schematic structure determining the variant of die design from the database. Based on the results of the study, the authors developed the procedures of exploratory development of progressive separating dies on the basis of the die mathematical model using the structure-logical and numerical variables.
About the authors
Eugeny Nikolaevich Pochekuev
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
Email: enpster@gmail.com
candidate of technical sciences, assistant professor of the department «Welding, materials pressure processing and related processes»
РоссияPolina Nikolaevna Shenberger
Togliatti State University, Togliatti
Author for correspondence.
Email: Shenberger@tltsu.ru
senior lecturer of the department «Welding, materials pressure processing and related processes»
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