- Authors: Gonnova N.V.1
- Samara Regional Institute of Advanced Vocational Training and Professional Development of Educators, Samara
- Issue: No 4 (2016)
- Pages: 63-67
- Section: Гуманитарные науки
- URL: https://vektornaukitech.ru/jour/article/view/283
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.18323/2073-5073-2016-4-63-67
- ID: 283
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The phenomenon of compounding, the reasons for writing words as one solid word or hyphenated, functional activity of compound nouns with evaluative or associative components, structural types of compound words, and other issues attract the attention of scientists-linguists. Currently, the Russian discourse fixes high frequency of the tzar-derivatives – words with an indeclinable evaluative component tzar- (Tzar-product, Tzar-bag, Tzar-tree, Tzar-girl, etc.). It is caused by the tendency to analyze and to the fact that tzar-derivatives represent the Russian linguistic picture of the world, which reflects a human holistic view of the surrounding reality. Increasing the number of lexical units in the vocabulary, the activity of tzar-derivatives and the need for their systematization determine the relevance of the study. The concept of “lexical set” is serving as a unit of systematization. The paper reveals distinctive features of a lexical set as a kind of semantic field. It emphasizes the fact that topical classification (extra-linguistic) is associated with the classification into lexical-semantic groups (linguistic). The classification of tzar-derivatives is defined, the following five lexical sets are described: “A person – non-person”, “Unique items”, “Nature and its components”, “Spiritual sphere and its components”, “Nominations in advertising”, each which includes several subgroups. The most extensive lexical set is revealed. It is proved that, as a result of transnomination, tzar-derivatives can be produced within a lexical set “Nominations in advertising”. The author emphasizes that the units of the four groups: “A person – non-person”, “Unique items”, “Nature and its components”, “Spiritual sphere and its components” are characterized by contextual synonymy. To achieve the goals of the work, a set of complementary research methods was used.
About the authors
Natalia Viktorovna Gonnova
Samara Regional Institute of Advanced Vocational Training and Professional Development of Educators, Samara
Author for correspondence.
Email: rectorat@sipkro.ru
senior lecturer of Chair of Primary education
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